Sunday, January 2, 2011


I took my 6 year-old granddaughter to an indoor playground Wednesday.

At the playground there was a young boy about her age who was not symmetrical.
His features were not symmetrical, his physical movements were not symmetrical.
His behavior was not symmetrical, his speech pattern was not symmetrical.

His eagerness to attract a playmate shown in the ear-to-ear crooked smile he flashed at anyone who came near. Adults and older children regarded him with curiosity and pity, so he was left alone, except for his mother.

He was sitting on the ground near the jungle-gym when a little girl, maybe 2 years old,  baby-staggered up to him and held out a toy. The asymmetrical boy smiled an asymmetrical smile and gently took the toy from her, examined it and handed it back. The little one smiled back at him, retrieved her toy, and staggered off.

Verse Two of the Tao Te Ching says that by defining beauty you have defined what is ugly.

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