Thursday, February 3, 2011

Marriage and Civil Unions

I'm not feeling particularly Taoish today. Or maybe I am.

A homophobic Utah legislator has proposed a law which would include wording that speaks of legal marriage as being between a man and a woman and that marriage and family "predate all governments and are supported by and consistent with the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, the Creator and Supreme Judge of the World, affirmed in the nation's founding Declaration of Independence."

This is so unconstitutional on so many levels that it's not even funny.

Here's my Taoish opinion: Anybody of legal age that wants to get married for any reason should be allowed to. Men to women, men to men, women to women, first cousins, brother to brother, who cares? If a woman with health insurance wants to marry her poor widowed grandmother so that grandma can be covered under granddaughter's plan, let 'em!

Certainly, in spite of what some religions would like you to believe, it has been well proven that you don't need to be married to have kids, so who says that married couples are required to have sex??? (I know, I know... some folks say the sex ended the day they got married.)

Religions have hijacked the word marriage and made it "ordained of God and between a man and a woman". That's bull. It's a contract ordained by the state, and if you don't believe it try and get married without a marriage license.

And on the subject of civil unions, why can't a man or woman enter into as many of those as they want? It's really a contract, so why stop a wanna-be polygamist from "unionizing" a half dozen women? Let 'em! More money in license fees for the county coffers.

And that's my Taoish thought for today.

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