Friday, October 22, 2010

Floating Taoists?

My friend, Doug, recently asked, "So that feather at the beginning of Forrest Gump is a perfect analogy of how life should be according to the Taoist? Just floating where I need to be? Hey! That's what the whole movie is about! No plan for today other than enjoy and be happy? Really?"

I always feel like I should start my response with a Philosophical Taoist disclaimer, "It's all based on how YOU interpret the Tao Te Ching". There are no rules. For me it's about enjoying life. Seeking balance.

We all know that you have to eat and clothe yourself, so you have to do something that will provide for that. You can farm, you can work for someone else, you can create or do stuff that other people will pay you for. That's the day to day stuff that has to happen or you starve or freeze to death.

Verse 11 of the TTC says that 30 spokes make up the wheel but it's the hole in the middle that makes the wheel useful... clay can be molded into a pot, but it's the size of the empty space inside (and what you fill it with) that determines it's value.

Ya gotta work, but it's what you fill the space in between with that determines the value of your life.

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