Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Water Flows Inwards?

Lao Tzu talks about water flowing downwards.

Today I realized that water doesn't flow downwards, it flows towards the strongest source of gravity. If it flowed downwards, the bottom half of the earth would be covered with water and the North Pole would be completely dry.

Sometimes I just think of silly stuff and then post it.

Sorry. Please go back about your life.


  1. Is the bottom of the world the South pole? So the universe has a right way up?

    Maybe north south run horizontal and we spin like a cycle wheel, maybe everything goes around us.. maybe such conventions are all made up for our convenience and maybe no one knows..

    Maybe the mind is a very small and limited tool best served for deciding what to have for lunch and not for mapping out the universe.

    The Taoist canon is ripe with plumbs to help us unlearn the supposed truth and find our own.. So I look forward to seeing your posts as your blog grows :)

  2. Good points, Ta-Wan, I think I'll go get lunch. :)
